
Community Information Newsletter – October 2020: The Windermere Bridge Loan. Inventory levels got you down, but your equity is high.      Homeowners across our region are enjoying very healthy equity levels due to an amazing upswing in the real estate market over the last five years. In fact, the median price in King County is up 49% over the last five years and up 51% in Snohomish County. This growth in equity has given […]
Newsletter Homebuyer Tips for Winning a Home in a Seller’s Market We’ve said it so many times, but it is so true: these are unprecedented times! In relation to the real estate market, there are many factors that are contributing to this environment. First and foremost, we are living through a global pandemic. Our daily lives have changed and they will probably never be quite like […]
Community Information When Equity Meets Lifestyle: Sellers Moving Out, the Push to the Burbs & Who’s Coming into the City     Over the last 5 years, housing has had abundant price appreciation, providing substantial equity for homeowners to utilize to make meaningful lifestyle moves or invest back into where they are. In King County, the median price has appreciated from $463,000 to $689,000 since July 2015, which is a 49% increase equaling $226,000! In […]
Community Information Updated 2020 Forecast As we head into the second half of 2020, we are starting to see the makings of a housing market recovery. There was a steep dive down in closed sales in April and May, but a quick snap back in June. This trajectory illustrates a “V” shaped change from the beginning of the COVID-19 health […]
Community Information Currently Gathered Micro-Data Illustrating Summer is the New Spring Market Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic reaching our region, I quickly shifted to updating you more frequently with information to help you stay informed on the real estate market. Since mid-March, I have been committed to gathering high-frequency data (micro-data) to help illustrate “Where We Are Now” and have provided this newsletter bi-monthly vs. monthly. I […]
Community Information What is Happening with Home Prices? What is Happening with Home Prices? It is without question we are living in one of the most unique times in all of our lives. Who would have thought we’d experience living life during a global pandemic? Beyond staying safe, adjusting daily habits, and navigating a changing economy, I’ve kept a very close eye on […]
Community Information Will COVID-19 Impact Where People Want to Live? Will COVID-19 Impact Where People Want to Live? Recently, Matthew Gardner, Windermere’s Chief Economist released a video about the effects COVID-19 is having and/or could have on consumer tendencies in real estate. There seems to be quite the paradigm shift happening due to health reasons, appreciating simpler schedules, and the new phenomenon of many people working from home. Along with Matthew, […]
Community Information Shred Event Postponed & COVID-19 Update Due to the Stay Home, Stay Healthy orders being extended through May 4th, our annual Shred Event & Food Drive has been postponed to July 18, the first Saturday after the new income tax filing deadline. The safety of the attendees, our agents, staff and the public at large is our highest priority. We sincerely […]
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Newsletter Monthly Newsletter: March 2020 – COVID-19 & the Real Estate Market: Real Time Numbers from the Front Lines Things are changing rapidly these days, and if I had a dollar for how many times I have said “one day-at-a-time” over the last two weeks, I’d have a nice stack of cash. There are lots of questions swirling about simple everyday life and big life decisions like buying and selling real estate. I’m a […]
Community Information Monthly Newsletter – February: Interest Rates Bottom Out, Sparking High Buyer Demand Most recently, we have experienced an uptick in market activity. In fact, King County saw a 35% increase in pending sales from December to January, and Snohomish County 38%. The seasonal uptick from the holidays to the New Year is normal, but it was quite sizable. This is reinforced by a 6% increase in pending […]
Newsletter Monthly Newsletter – January 2020: Top 12 Takeaways from Matthew Gardner for 2020, A Macro-to-Micro Look at the Economy & Housing Market Last week, I had the pleasure of attending our office’s 11th Annual Matthew Gardner Economic Forecast Event.  At this event, Matthew gives the crowd a review of the previous year and forecasts trends for the economy and housing market for the next year and beyond.  Below are my Top 12 Takeaways worth noting as you […]
Newsletter Monthly Newsletter – December 2019: Year In Review 2019 was a return to normalcy in the real estate market. After a volatile 2018 which encountered a sharp mid-year shift from an extreme seller’s market, 2019 had a more normal pace of seasonality and selection. After four to five years of multiple offers, week-long market times, waived inspections, and huge price escalations, we’ve now experienced a […]
Newsletter Monthly Newsletter: November 2019 – Quarterly Economic Update   I am pleased to present the third-quarter 2019 edition of the Gardner Report, which provides insights into select counties of the Western Washington housing market. This analysis is provided by Windermere Real Estate Chief Economist Matthew Gardner. I hope that this information will assist you with making better-informed real estate decisions. For further information […]
Newsletter Monthly Newsletter – October 2019: Dual Market, Transitioning from Residential to Condo   Last month, I did an analysis on the new phenomenon of a dual market. A dual market is when you have different market conditions within the same overarching real estate market. This duality presents amazing opportunities for sellers who are also buyers, depending on where they want to go. I reported on two dual […]
Newsletter Monthly Newsletter – September 2019: Identifying Dual Markets and the Opportunities They Provide 2019 has been a year where we have continued to gain more balance in the real estate market. Inventory levels have increased, days on market are longer, negotiations have opened up, and the constricted multiple-offer market is no longer the norm. It has been comforting to see price appreciation temper and move towards more normal, historical […]
Newsletter Monthly Newsletter – August 2019: Don’t Miss the Boat on Current Interest Rates Most recently, buyers have enjoyed more selection in the marketplace which has led to more open negotiations versus bidding wars. This is illustrated by an increase in average Days on Market and a decrease in the average Sold-to-List Price Ratios complete-year over year (the last 12 months over the previous 12 months). In King County, the […]
Newsletter Monthly Newsletter – July 2019 Price appreciation has been a hot topic for some time, but over the last year, prices have started to balance out and it takes some explaining. As you can see from the map above provided by the National Association of Realtors, price appreciation over the long haul has been robust. The map above points out price […]
Community Information Monthly Newsletter – June 2019 Changes are coming: The Washington State Legislature is changing the way in which real estate excise taxes (REET) are calculated. REET are different from your annual property taxes; they are the tax that a seller pays when they sell their home, based on the sale price. Currently, the Washington State excise tax is 1.28 percent. […]
Newsletter Monthly Newsletter – May 2019 The generational shift that is happening in our country right now is having a strong influence on demand for real estate. As the Millennials gain a stronger foothold into their adulthood, Generation X settles in with family, Boomers move towards retirement and the Silent Generation find themselves making moves for health reasons, the desire to […]
Newsletter Monthly Newsletter – April 2019 I am pleased to present the first-quarter 2019 edition of the Gardner Report, which provides insights into select counties of the Western Washington housing market. This analysis is provided by Windermere Real Estate Chief Economist Matthew Gardner. I hope that this information will assist you with making better-informed real estate decisions. For further information about […]